American Accent Bootcamp
Once a month small group drop-in Zoom session
"a really relaxed and approachable workshop"
"A lot of fun, the time flew by"
"I so enjoyed bootcamp, it definitely got me into the right start for the year and was great to dust off those cobwebs and get focused!"
American Accent Bootcamp is my monthly practice session for professional actors. Participants speak in the General American accent for the duration of the 2 hours & I give coaching notes throughout our group conversation. Think of it as language learning through immersion. Additionally, each Bootcamp touches on the 3 main areas of accent work:
MOUTH: Developing oral posture in the accent
MUSIC: Ear training to master the rhythm, melody, stress & intonation patterns
SOUNDS: Mastering the major sound changes of the General American accent
The Bootcamp is aimed at native speakers of English & numbers are kept low to ensure individual attention.